Archive for March 3, 2010

Walls in Space

Posted in CCP with tags , on March 3, 2010 by Baa

A red light flashed on the navicomp.
“Leaving alliance space”, it said.
“Well”, I thought, “there are no walls in space”, and triggered the star gate.

Now I know that there are certain precautions to take when travelling through nullsec. I really do. They are reinforced by the mockery whenever people are ganked whilst Lerorying through systems. There is still this nagging voice in my head though. Space is meant to be travelled. Not just on roams, but to collect things from distant stations, or just for the heck of it.

At the moment we are in a nice dead-end constellation. It’s secure. Well, secure-ish. We have stations but the larger market includes stations 6, 10, 11, and 17 jumps away. It’s possible to get good deals by shopping around. There are people in our space that, rather than risk the journey, are happy to buy in Jita and wait for things to be shipped down. In effect they put up walls.

I caught myself doing it the other day. I stopped myself. How could the person flew the Orca down be scared of 6 jumps? EVE is dangerous. On every trip there is the chance of losing everything. Great isn’t it?

And Everything Changed

Posted in Chronicle with tags , on March 3, 2010 by Baa

The low hum of the life support system intrudes on my slumber. I try and stretch but something is restricting me. I scan recent memory. Damn. That doesn’t work as well as it used to. Oh. It’s a new rebirth.

My good intentions to keep up with the blogging lapsed. I couldn’t keep up with the tumult within EVEand RL and blog do something had to go. Things have settled down a little now though so we’ve time for a brief update before a rebirth.

Sadly we had another coup attempt within our 0.0 space. The end result being that we are still in residence but with a quite different make up of corps.

A number of compromises had to be made to accomplish this. Not least joining a different corp rather than remaining as CEO of my own. On balance, with everything else that’s be going on, this is probably a good thing.

Where do I go from here? Well, I hope to have tales of daring do to entertain and amuse. We shall see.